Come learn from someone who had completely balanced his Type 1 Diabetes and is coming from proven experience out of his life events
After experimenting with countless nutrition approaches, I developed some simple programs and workshops so you can choose the one that fits you
Hundreds of clients who got their blood sugar back in healthy ranges, have successfully solved chronic diseases and lost those extra pounds
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The best Online Program - Crashed Course for Low-Carb to solve Type 1 Diabetes
All the tools to balance Blood Glucose to non-diabetes levels with Type 1 Diabetes, from A to Z
You will get all the tools I have accumulated for years so basically you shorten the path to Real Diabetes Balance
Come with me to the kitchen and come with me to the gym while any life situation is covered in the videos
The package containing The 3 Weeks Support offers personal accompanying to make sure you got it all right
Manage your diabetes instead of diabetes managing you. learn how to do it from a type 1 diabetic who completely normalised his own Blood Glucose
Enjoy balanced blood sugars and A1C levels of A non diabetic person
Peak energy levels throughout the day and high levels of concentration and productivity
Daily fluctuations in mood will balance as well we get off the "Blood Glucose roller coaster"
Nutrition and Workouts for glycemic control which I have developed and perfected
I believe that in order to get to the root of the problem we must return to the metabolic health that our ancestors enjoyed until the advent of processed food. How do we do it?
We will base our eating habits on quality locally grown sources that have undergone as little processing as possible
We will balance Blood Sugar levels to normal ranges and understand how important the BG balance for improving metabolic health
The body will return to it natural physiological weight when we get to the root of the problem
Strive to replenish vital micronutrients which we less get nowadays. For example - Vitamin D and Iron in the body
I have been a type 1 diabetic since the age of 11. Today I know that diabetes can be controlled and that anyone can improve their life despite diabetes.
After experimenting with different nutritional approaches and after arriving at the intensive care unit with life-threatening Ketoacidosis while ignoring my blood sugar levels, I changed my life completely.
Today, after quite a few years in which I gained experience in balancing my blood sugar and the blood sugar of others, I believe that anyone can do it. This is the message I want to convey. I don't just say what I think you should do, I live by that myself and take responsibility of my health.