When I met the makers of the best wagyu Beef in the world

The custom spatula designed by Hiroki Ito. Hiroki is a key figure in the export of Matsusaka Beef from Japan to Europe and the rest of the world. This is one of the reasons I really love my job. Besides
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Diabetes- All you need to know

The full guide: At the age of 11, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Years of imbalance and a constant roller coaster of blood sugar levels began to make me feel less healthy. 15 years later when I was
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Dr. Weston Price had it all figured out

The question that led Dr. Weston A. Price to examine the connection between diet and simple physical degeneration and morbidity: how do tribesmen living in the wild, develop perfect symmetrical straight and white teeth up until old age, without straightening
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Sun is the source of all life

The popular opinion today is that exposure to the sun is a harmful thing and many believe that it is our enemy. Of course, it is important to stay “wise in the sun” and not get burned, but the problem
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How Nutrition effects the Thyroid

Hormonal balance is the state the body always strives for in order to function optimally. In a state of hormonal balance and homeostasis, all body systems that are affected by the hormones secreted into the body’s organs, operate in their
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תזונה לבלוטת התריס

How the Thyroid Gland regulates all body systems

What is the thyroid gland? The thyroid or thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in the endocrine system. It is made up of two lobes, that separated by a central isthmus. The hormones that the thyroid gland
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Traveling on a Low Carb, Ketogenic or carnivore diet

In this article, I will try to answer recurring questions regarding trips, and I will detail how personally I succeed during a long vacation or during a short trip to follow the ways of eating which I am used to
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Is intermittent fasting suitable for everyone?

For millennia, humans have deprived themselves of food for expiatory purposes because of survival, spiritual or religious reasons. Today, this practice, which has become a trend, is done for the sake of well-being and health. But is it really beneficial
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צום לסירוגין

How do I exercise with diabetes while staying in range

Exercising with diabetes and keeping blood sugar balanced is possible and over time I can testify that it even becomes easy provided you do it right. What it means? In this article, I will list key principles with which I
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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Nutrtion

The connection between the outbreak of Hashimoto's disease that I experienced and environmental changes that I went through in my life seems quite clear in retrospect, but at the moment of truth it was not easy to understand the processes
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Hypothyroidism – Everything I learned

After experiencing hypothyroidism with all the accompanying symptoms and after reading quite a few books on the thyroid gland, I came to the most important question - what caused the thyroid gland to go out of balance in the first
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What Insulin has to do with Hunger?

I guess you know the feeling that comes after finishing a meal rich in carbohydrates. We finished eating lunch and half an hour later we are hungry again and we feel weak and shaky. The next step will usually be
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Balanced Diabetes – The Ketogenic Diet, Carbohydrate Restriction and Normal Blood Sugar

Anyone who knows me and follows the content I upload knows that I do not use the word diet. The word diet has connotations of trends such as "weight loss" diets that represent a temporary change, as opposed to a
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Paired Autoimmune Diseases

What is the connection between Type 1 Diabetes Hashimoto's, Crohn's, Celiac disease and many other autoimmune conditions? As a type 1 diabetic over the years, I have heard quite a few sentences like "If you have been diagnosed with an
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Dangers of Overtraining

Do you know the phrase "too much of a good thing"? It turns out that it is true when it comes to physical activity and it is accompanied by symptoms. Overtraining can cause damage if you push your body to
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True meaning of TSH Test

It's a weird value to assess Thyroid status by. Still in some cases it can tell us something. After being sent for a TSH blood test dozens of times during my life, I decided to understand what is behind that
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My Story – On Nutrition, Diabetes and Sports or how at the age of 30 I healed myself

Screenshot from my continuous glucose meter report - better values ​​than a healthy person. A1C = glycated hemoglobin. The picture shows a screenshot from the report of my personal continuous sugar meter - more balanced values than a healthy person.
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